The Association of Methodist Men’s Fellowship

The main thrust of the work among men in the Jamaica Methodist District is channelled through the Association of Methodist Men’s Fellowship (AMMF). A brief overview of the AMMF is provided below. Please visit this page for updates.

What is the AMMF?

  1. The AMMF is a fellowship of men who seek in obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ..
  2. To witness for Him whenever and wherever possible
  3. To win other men for His Kingdom
  4. To serve the Christian Church faithfully


  1. To bind men together in Christian comradeship through a common interest in the service and His Church
  2. To study together the meaning of Christian discipleship and its practice in all spheres of life
  3. Membership and ministry
  4. To exercise all diligence in bringing others to Christ, and into the fellowship of His Church
  5. To hasten the coming of Christ’s Kingdom on earth, by prayer and regular attendance at public worship and godly living.


One is your Master, even Christ, and All Ye are brethren (St. Matthew 23, verse 8)


I promise by God’s help to give myself to private and family prayers and the reading of God’s word. to be loyal to the Church by regular attendance at its services and to be active in the service and witness of the Church and the Methodist Men’s Fellowship and to be a loyal disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ.


“Teach us good Lord, to serve thee as thou deserves, to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not seek to rest, to labour and not ask for any reward, save that of knowing that we Thy will, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” (Ignatius Loyola)


The badge of the Felloship shall be the initial letters of the “Methodist Men’s Fellowship” with a circle described around them or such suitable badge as may be adopted by the Association of Methodist Men’s Fellowship.