It was Monday, the tenth day of May, in the year of our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Fifteen, that, by the grace of God, Claude Langton Cadogan, a child destined to become a patriarch of the Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas, was born.
Today, Sunday, the tenth day of May, in the year of grace 2020, the hearts and voices of members of his family and the wider church family on the mainlands and islands of the Caribbean and the Americas are lifted in praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God, for each of the one hundred and five years of a life, so far blessed by God, and a life that has been a blessing to countless many.
Today, from the mountaintop of providence and blessed memories we look back with pride, full-hearted recognition and grateful thanks, on a life and a ministry so expansive, so multi-talented and so profoundly purposeful and committed to God— the life of a servant-leader, called by God for such a time as this.
In Ecclesiastes 9, verse 10, Solomon advises and encourages us with wise words:
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, where you go.
Uncle Claude, as he is affectionately and respectfully called by young and old alike, lived by this principle and it is reflected in the passion, the conviction, the discipline, the dedication, the sense of urgency and the compassion that have marked his life and his ministry. The words of Charles Wesley would have been a fervent prayer of his:
O Thou who camest from above, the pure celestial fire to impart,
Kindle a flame of sacred love on the mean altar of my heart.
There let it for Thy glory burn with inextinguishable blaze;
And trembling to its source return, in humble prayer and fervent praise.
What a moving final moment, what unforgettable demonstration of mutual Christian love and respect we behold when we view the recording of Rev Dr William Wilberforce Watty and Rev Dr Claude Langton Cadogan, two past presidents of the Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas, two giants and elder statesmen of Caribbean Methodism, earlier this year, giving a farewell blessing to one another as Dr Watty ended his visit to Jamaica and to his friend and on what he believed could be his last visit to Jamaica. The scene is reminiscent of St. Paul’s final farewell to the elders of the Church at Ephesus when he told them that they would not see him again and then he knelt down and prayed with them (Acts 20: 36-38).
Today we all give thanks to God for yet another year of life and of grace granted to Uncle Claude, His servant. We thank God for his keen mind, wise counsel, prayerful support and needful encouragement with which he still blesses us at 105 years old.
The journey of faithfulness to God is the mission in which we should always be engaged. This is the most important mission in life. It gives true meaning and guarantees real success in its fullness. And then, whatever our age we can join Uncle Claude and say, in the words of Charles Wesley:
My remnant of days I spend in His praise
Who died the whole world to redeem;
Be they many or few,
My days are His due,
And they all are devoted to Him.
The global pandemic, COVID-19, does not allow us to visit with him, in person, as some would have wished. Nevertheless, as a people who believe in the priesthood of all believers, let us all join on this anniversary day in pronouncing the priestly blessing on our dear Uncle Claude:
The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.”’
[Numbers 6: 24-26 (NIV)]
Prepared by The Rev’d Dr. Philip G. O’B. Robinson, O.D.
On behalf of the Jamaica Methodist District
May 10, 2020
It is the most delightful surprise in my life, to know that after meeting you at Stann Creek Methodist Church and School, at the age of 12; to know that you are here and well: an extraordinary moment in my life. Just so you know, I celebrated my 80th Birthday on March 11, 2021…
Happy birthday Uncle Claude, you have always been a very special person to me. The Lord promised he would keep you while you keep your eyes on him, and so he has. Happy 106th birthday Rev`d. May God continue to keep you very close to him. Every blessing.
Very belated and very warm birthday greetings to Uncle Claude. So many memories, so many moments in which you expanded me in heart and mind. I still am guided by so much you gave to me. Still encouraged by your constant outpouring of yourself to others. Your love for Christ and the ministry of the MCCA is a perpetual light. May God grant you everything needful in these year. Much, much love! Althea
Happy happy birthday to my first Mentor, Rev’d Claude Cadogan! Hope you continue to enjoy much Happiness and Health in Safety! Harry Usher
Happy happy birthday Rev. I remember you fondly as a little girl at the Ebenezer Methodist Church in Antigua as Secretary of the conference and then as the President. You served us well and we were all blest from your ministry. I remember how mom and dad Iola and Dennis Bowers now deceased were excited about your ministry in Antigua. May the good Lord continue to be your strength and stay as you celebrate another milestone in your life . Happy 105th birthday🙏🏽🙏🏽
Blessed Happy Birthday, Uncle Claude. For everything you have ever been to me I give thanks. Whether counsellor, exemplar, colleague, historian, architect and so much your zeal, integrity, faith, faithfulness, committments, earnestness, carefulness, care, love, interest, and passion were marked by sincerity, principle, and grace. Thank you for being and continuing a “sweet smelling savor” a divine aroma in my life. God bless you in every needed way and then some. From Althea Spencer-Miller
Fifty six years ago, Rev. Cadogan taught me Religious Education at Cornwall College in Montego.
I grew to respect him highly because of the great respect he showed to others, colleagues and students alike.
He was a friend and I am sorry I have not been able to see him for many years. Happy Birthday Rev.
Happy and Blessed Birthday Rev. Cadogan. I remember you coming to the Spanish Town Methodist church to preach when I was a little girl. May God continue to Bless and keep you.
Happy and Blessed Birthday Rev. Cadogan. I remember coming to the Spanish Town Methodist church to preach when I was a little girl. May God continue to Bless and keep you.
Happy Birthday, Reverend Cadogan! Wish you continued good health, contentment, and God’s blessings!
Denham (Dennie) Turton Sr
Please convey to Uncle Claude our best wishes on this landmark birthday. We think of him often and pray that he continues to be happy and blessed with his family near and dear. We only wish we could be there with you to join in the celebration.
Hope you had a great day Uncle Claude. You have been an inspiration to many and you were certainly one of my mentors and still one of my heroes. 🙏🏾
Uncle Claude, This is Marvellous Marie, the name you gave me some years ago. Oh how I wish that as usual I could share this special celebration with you in person but my heart is there. You are one of God’s Great Wonders and I love you!
Happy birthday Rev. Cadogan.
You have been a stronghold and great leader.
God’s blessings..
A major Milestone…and with all your senses and wit. We love you and know that God is keeping you as He promised He would for all who serve Him. Happy Birthday
The Good Lord bless you continually Uncle Claude as you continue to minister to us more able bodied, but of lesser years. Much Love.i
Happy blessed 105th Birthday Rev Cadogan! Best wishes from the Kelly family, Sittee River , Stann Creek Dist, Belize
Belated Happy Birthday Claude, may you continue in health and strength for many more years. Lots of love.