The Jamaica Methodist District – Home for Retired Persons was established in 2003 in response to a perceived need emanating from a society with a fast-growing aging population seeking a conducive accommodation in which to spend their golden years. The Home is situated on a 25, 870 sq. ft. property at 26 University Crescent, Kingston 6, adjacent to the Mona Heights community. The University of the West Indies, University of Technology, University Hospital of the West Indies, churches, shopping and entertainment facilities are in close proximity to the property.
There are lots of fruit trees on the property and benches are situated at strategic points where residents can sit and enjoy the blessings of nature or just stroll along and admire the surrounding hills.
Our goal is to provide a Retirement Home in which mentally alert and physically active female residents share a life-enriching experience, in a Christian- based community that is safe, serene, aesthetically pleasing and which promotes their dignity, collegiality, conviviality and general wellbeing, through quality care and service.
The two story building consists of four bedrooms, each with its own bathroom, a common sitting area, a coffee nook for use by residents and an extra bathroom on the first level. The ground floor has five bedrooms each with its own bathroom and two other bedrooms which are reserved for use by the staff. Residents are responsible for the furnishing of their rooms.
Services provided
- 3 meals per day. Facilities for individual cooking are not available.
- Laundry
- Electronic Security System
- Activities that utilize their own skills
- Spiritually focused activities and pastoral care
- Recreation & Wellness activities
- Services for non – residential Senior citizens
The Board of Directors is appointed by the Jamaica Methodist District Conference.
The Management Committee is responsible for the planning, implementation and review of the daily operations of the Home.
The resident Home Manager with a support staff is responsible for effecting the daily operation of the Home.
Each resident is charged a single monthly amount for accommodation and meals. There are no additional charges for laundry and housekeeping services.
Female seniors showing obvious signs of mental alertness and physical agility and demonstrating the ability to adequately finance their upkeep. A medical report will be required and an interview conducted. A profile – including details of persons to be contacted and institutions to be utilized in the event of illness or accidents – will be required as part of the entry process.
While we were set up to primarily serve the needs of seniors in the Methodist church, we also welcome non- Methodists to join the community.

Very interested in your facility. Good to hear of the possibility of short term stay at first for my 92 year old mother, retired nurse of the Mineral Heights, Hugh Sherlock congregation (May Pen).
Very interested in your facility. Good to hear of the possibility of short term stay at first. My 92 year old mother, retired nurse Ivel Heron of the Hugh Sherlock congregation (Mineral Heights, May Pen) is physical and mentally alert. However, I live in the U.S and need to make return trips at least twice a year (2-3mths). Please send necessary information pertaining to such a stay.
I am keen o
Just an enquiry to find out if you accommodate clients with Dementia. My sister I think requires 24 hr supervision as she has diminished sense of direction and reasoning. Thanks for your reply,
Good morning.
My name is Min. Joyce McFarlane and I am desirous of utilizing your facilities for my sister short term in the first instance. From 28th May to the 6th of July.
Thanks for these information!